18 – 20 November 2025//Bremen, Germany



Do You Think That's Wise? Understanding the Art of Taking Risks in the Space Industry

Thursday 13 June 2024 // 16:00 CET


Competitiveness, autonomy, security, and innovation: achieving these ambitious goals in Europe necessitates significant stimulus, and often taking risks is required.

Taking risks can be daunting, but is often necessary to succeed in the space industry. As Europe establishes itself to remain a leading actor in space, it has to continue to create an attractive ecosystem to investors, boost R&D innovation and investment, and remove barriers that can hinder growth – such as intolerance to failure, and slower processes of innovation.

This webinar addresses the opportunities that come with taking risks, and how to deal with the challenges that come with a less risk-averse approach.

Discussion points:

  • Understanding why taking risks is so difficult in the space industry
  • Use cases of successful faster-to-market approaches: understanding common pitfalls and successes
  • The difference between European and foreign investment: what can we learn from one another?


  • Moderator - Maxime Puteaux, Principal Advisor, Novaspace 
  • Benoît Deper, CEO and Founder, Aerospacelab
  • Lucie Campagnolo, CEO, SpaceFounders France
  • Candace Johnson, Chair of the Advisory Board and Partner, Seraphim Space
  • Nayen Pankhania, Investment & Strategic Finance Director, Satellite Applications Catapult
  • Joram Voelklein, Founding Partner, Alpine Space Ventures
  • Stefan Schneider, Space Downstream Entrepreneurship Officer, EUSPA